Are our students really safe when they are on the internet?

I assumed, like most people, that kids are safe on the internet; especially at school. Why would schools and teachers allow students to use the internet if they were putting their students in harms way? I had no idea that children are expected to put information into websites and that their searches and information is tracked and used against them. Most parents and teachers are also unaware of this shocking information. As a teacher if a school provides a site or program to be used by students, it is expected that it is safe. Parents have these same expectations; they expect their children to be in a safe environment when they are sent to school to learn. The problem is that these sites, programs and schools do not protect students the way that we all expect them to. Instead of the site or the school as a whole being responsible for safety, the responsibility falls on the individual. Expecting students to know how to remain safe online, when they do not even know they are in danger is outrageous.


During class we learned that many loop holes and issues arise within Internet Safety. It is important for teachers to become educated on safety for students and to provide resources for parents and their students. Working together to be sure that children stay safe on the internet and know how to use it to advance their individual knowledge is now becoming a huge part of education. We must guide them in their use and teach them to use the internet responsibly so that they are prepared for the future of technology; both in and out of the classroom.

Please visit my poster to learn more about educating parents on Internet Safety!

After going through this class and having to research a specific area of Internet Safety, I feel much more aware of the issues that exist. I, however do not feel at ease or comfortable with this information. Normally when I do not know about a topic and we spend a lot of time educating ourselves and having discussions in class, I become more comfortable and feel confident in the topic. With this particular subject, the more I found out the more unsettled I felt. My reaction is based on the increasing amount of evidence that children are not safe online, and the complete lack of solutions or concern for this issue.

I will continue to make myself aware of online safety issues, by staying updated on current issues. I also plan to make a poster or handout for parents, like the one I created for class, for my future classes. I think teachers are partly responsible for taking action and taking the lead on ensuring our students are safe online. Whether this means teaching online safety within the class, providing students with safe online practices that you model, or sending resources home for parents. I am extremely glad that we went over this topic in class, because I do feel more prepared to educate others on the topic. I also feel more prepared to look at safety measures or lack-thereof, before asking my students to participate in class using a website or program. I feel that I can take on the responsibility of privacy and safety and teach my students how to take on this responsibility in order to be sure I promote safe online usage within my classroom.


Taking Safety to the Classroom:

Using online resources such as safety games or questionnaires is a great way to get students involved and interested in the topic. This can be done within class or sent home to do with parents as a family homework assignment. I found a few great resources that give students’ guidelines and rules to follow when online.


I have provided links to a few websites that can be useful to parents, teachers and students…









Below is a great video that outlines Internet Safety and what that entails for students and adults.