Here are two more assignments that I completed that I found very useful and interesting. Check them out to see if you can implement them into any of your lessons!


Create your own QR code– I had no idea how easy this was!

This poster features a QR code that takes any viewer to my blog about ECI201. There are many free websites that walk you through creating a QR code and even let you customize. These can be printed out, sent via email, or added to any poster.



Coding in the Classroom– Many teachers and students do this already without even knowing!

Here is my reflection (that includes my professor’s feedback) on a coding assignment we did in class…

In what ways did this task require abstraction?
For abstraction, the main use of this strategy is when you can repeat a code to make it happen multiple times. This saves time and work, when the same steps need to be taken multiple times. This is actually pattern recognition.  Abstraction would be representing the campus as a map – eliminating some details -5
Describe a situation where you had to use testing and debugging while you planned your presentation.
There were many times when testing and debugging was needed. We had to test the direction or speed of the sphero when trying to follow the map that we drew. We had a lot of difficulty figuring our how to make the sphero turn and roll in a different direction. Both my partner and I tried different strategies and eventually worked out the kinks in the coding.
How did you use decomposition to identify a problem or sub-task within the larger project?
Decomposition is the act of taking a larger problem and breaking it down into smaller more simple tasks. For this particular task we needed to get the sphero to different points on the map, and to do this we had to break down each movement. Each movement also had multiple parts, degree, speed and time. Once each of those individual details or tasks was mastered, the whole picture stared to come together.
What is the value of recognizing patterns when you are completing a complex task like this? Give a specific example from your experience today.
It was very helpful to recognize the speed and time for each move the sphero made. After a couple of times, you could recognize which speed and time needed to be used together in order to make sure the sphero goes exactly where it needs to.
In what ways can you see algorithm design becoming a more prevalent focus in the K-8 classroom?
Algorithmic design can be used at any age. Simply put, they are a list of instructional steps that tell you how to perform a task. It is important to not only show young kids how to complete a task but give them the steps and explain why each is important. This allows them to take the algorithmic skill and use it for any problem they may come across. Whether it is teaching them to write, the correct way to read, how to make crafts, solve math problems, write a paper; each one of these tasks can easily be explained in steps. Good explanation – would be stronger with a particular activity from one of the examples you gave.
Where does creativity fit into this task? Please describe using at least one example from your work.
Creativity comes in when drawing the map, you must choose the places where you want to go. The map must be drawn to scale and be realistic with other landmarks. It takes creativity to be able to put those ideas down on paper and reflect the map that you have in your mind.

Good reflection overall – thanks for sharing.